R a k e y s h O m p r a k as h M e h r a ( R O M ) needed two more writers to portray India as a land of morons. And to be proclaimed as a wise mahatma, all one needs to do is take birth in America.
Disgustingly, ROM has the cheek to use the R a m L e e l a setting to beautify his canvass, while he shamelessly mocks and ridicules the same people, their culture and their art throughout his undeserved freedom of expression.
If at all R O M has been successful at something, it is in germinating the Kala Bunder in me. You suck big time R O M ! And so does your Delhi 6. Q u I t I n d I a !
Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra (ROM) needed two more writers to portray India as a land of morons.