Ok, this is a paid review. I paid the money from my pocket and spend nearly 94 minutes of my life to get this visual and verbal abuse.
The association of Amir Khan (let it be acting or production) has always been dependable for masses. When the Mumbai diaries took a deviated version, we still enjoyed it for the art element and the feel attached to it, though it was a disappointment for the masses. Amir Khan has always been considered the best, when it comes to using brain for his creative entertainers. After Delhi Belly, how I wished I had avoided this below belly affair by and large as it spoiled my day!
Ok, now consider this, yes, just to help you to see if the movie is for you.
I just took few sample minute and the F word is been used nearly 2 or 3 per minute on all samples. (I question the writer, is it the way the Delhi people talk, even bachelors? Probably someone from Delhi can say it better.) That means nearly 200 plus F words in a 94 (or 96?) minute film, can you sit that? What was the idea of its usage? To make it real? Is this the reality in real?
There is one guy in the film who have a constipation problem and no water in the household. Orange juices are been used to wash the dirt...oh yes! So nearly 25 times people (one or another) are in toilet. Male, female no difference. You get as many farting as you want, louder soft and whatever. If you are still not satisfied, the original samples of sht is on display. The room mate of the farting guy stop drinking orange juice after he learns about it. My warning, dont go for the movie before eating, as you may not be able to eat afterwards, dont go after eating you may vomit and thankfully no interval otherwise the cleaning boys would have extra job. Ok, the makers have a point. The movie is going to be a hit and many awards may come in its way. Probably that is what the makers want to show. You give a sht and get many Jai Hos for that. Dont the bodyfull of sh*t been appreciated by illiterate in the world? Then, do we have to grow to their lows?
I really question the censor board now. Why are they sitting there? To cut out naked body images? I think time has come for them to think again. How can they permit the use of such explicit abuses, Hindi or English? Oh yes, they gave an A certificate to the movie. Does that A certificate prevent them from showing the movie in a TV channel? What the censor board has to say about it? Do we have a law which prevents airing of A certificate movies in TVs? I am not saying that the censor board has to put too much of restrictions but releasing films without basic cuts is called irresponsibility, ignorance and crime. These are the kind of films we should feed to our youngsters so that our country is grown in culture. At least that is what they seems belief. Wow!
Oh, I didnt tell anything about the story, yes? In fact there is nothing much of a story to begin with. Did you heard about Three mistakes of my life? Once upon a time in Delhi, there had three boys like that who read Chetan Bhagat novels and studied his language. They have the similar situation in life to face with, one is angry to the boss, another want to marry a girl whom he dont love and another is always spying with camera for naked body parts when he is not in the toilet. Add it into a Thief and Police story appears in comedy movies then that is it. (Oh, art side? Ok, there is an art side with some metaphoric representations to the Mumbai attack, corruption blackmailing etc, but when the cover story is so loud, art side get a sound sleep. Zzzzz....Zzzzz....Probably the makers want to show that politics and administration in Delhi is more dirty than what they shown in the film and people are letting it go, but to say wolf a wolf, do we have to be a wolf?). This is the way should inspire young people. Young people, get inspired more!!! Film makers, we are proud of you!!!
I havent recommended Slumbdog Millionaire as the purpose of its makers was wrong and abusive to Indians. I do not have the same opinion about Delhi Belly. The intentions may be good, but many a time the ways too does matter. I completely dislike the writing of Delhi Belly and the direction of it made it intolerable.
Performance by the cast is been shadowed by masks and dirt and the only relief was a promising Poorna Jagannathan. Looks like she will be around in the coming days.
Oogling camera do some job but cannot appreciate the efforts where whatever shown is dirt. Ditto to the songs. Choreographers did their best to make a colourful break from the otherwise dirt but that too messed up with happy thrushes from the makers which teenage girls giggles mouthshut.
There will have two opinions for the movie. Some people may love it, some may hate it. No middle way out. If you are desperate to watch the movie, do wait for some 5 star reviews (as it is bound to get some) where mine is only 1 star.