The Delhi metro is a true indicator of what Indian talents can accomplish, if given a chance...Also an example of how invalid the claim is that we can grow only through FDIs and disinvestment.The train is a class in its very own sense.It deserves a greater public appreciation to boost the morale of the people who conceived the idea and took an initiative.Have we forgotten how to applaud or is it only for the filmstars and sports personas?
For all those who thought India needs a miracle to change and Delhi is a junk meant for inconvenient travelling -THINK AGAIN.This is just the beginnin of India Shinin and therez a lot more to come....
One more thing , we have been provided with an amenity and obviously its our duty to ensure its cleanliness and safety..So for those of us who consider National highways, ne roads, cinema halls and public places as convenient dustbins...Do try and avoid doing this to the Magnificient Metro atleast else carry a DUSTBIN with you all the time...