Running schools has become a big business just because of the huge demand for admissions. Because of the sheer population of our country, there are just too many parents who are desperate to get their kids admitted to this school. Due to this huge demand, the management does not really care for individuals knowing very well that if you dont pay up what they are asking, there are lot more people in the line behind you trying to trample you down to get to the admissions.
The fees that they charge is comparable to the other similar schools though it appears to be on a slightly lower end. Can you imagine sections from A to K !! Each section is supposed to have 40 kids but I believe due to last minute admissions, it goes upto 45 to 47 kids per class. Imagine a class program of 11 sections and roughly 450 kids, the auditorium gets filled and so does the parking. There are some good teachers who take personal interest and try to discipline the kids. I am personally shocked by the behaviour and attitude of young kids. I guess it has to do a lot with the upbringing at home and not paying attention but blame the teachers which I dont think is fare. Eg: Kids in 3rd, 4th standards using foul language and F word ! I havent seen teachers being strict and trying to discipline such behaviour.
I wish there was lot more emphasis on value and moral education rather than trying to take them to watch movies at the mall, eat out at pizza place, etc.