I bough Inspiron 1420 for good battery life and core 2 duo features @ 45585 INR. Let me share you following important points-
1) How to buy- just visit the website create order and give ur contact number.
2) within 24 hrs the inside sales person calls you up and collects your requirements. He/ She mails the final price and configration...accept or suggest changes and then pay online! Its customary that they say "delivery may take 1-2 weeks more in unavoidable circumstances.
3) Keep checking the order status by using the customer/ oder number...but believe me my order status showed that I will get laptop on 24 Oct although I had already received it. So, I advice you to call up the sales guy and check with hem/ her.
4) Collect the consignment and then the real ordeal begins. You dont know what to do it, what softwares are loaded/ not loaded...do little bit of research as manual book provided along with laptop is flawless.
5) You get call from some outsourced service provider and they take appointment to send the "installation" gys...(who always turn up late)
6) If you got any technical problem or servicing request then wait till monday and then lazy outsourced service guys attend your requests.
7) Being a strategy consultant I rate Dells chances of survival on scale of 10 as 3. "Physical evidence" is integral part of any business/ service and in case of Dell its missing. They need to clearly communicate to customers what they can deliver on.
8) Dells strategy may work if they tap customers who buy computers for fun. But for serious buyers who need quick service. Dell is strict no no.
9) Comparing Dell with others is like comparing low cost airline with full service airlines.
10) Product quality is not exceptional and service levels are below standards so comparatively it manages to match HCL & service level of Zenith/ Sahara
11) Never buy the product unless you speak to existing customers, I inquired from my regional official IT support guys who bought Dell and gave us for official use on behalf of my company, but comparing the service levels for individual customers with those of corporates would be wrong.
12) Dell Inspiron and vostro have good range and lot of features can be added on them. you get to choose color (i chosse white thinking that laptop will be full white, but the top lid is white and bottom is traditional black!!!...so stop dreaming) 13) https://consumercourt.netfirms.com... if you end up wasting your time.