To say it in three simple words - "I was screwed". Thats is what has happened ever since I took the decision of buying Dell Inspiron 1525. Its just 1 year and I am waiting to throw this piece of crap. Following are the reasons:
- Worst battery life: My battery lost its life in 350 days i.e. less than a year. So was the case with 4-5 of my friends(within 300 days). Because still about 10-15 days were left in the warranty period, so I thought the battery would be replaced. But the customer service dept. said that its quite expected that the battery life of Inspiron 1525 will be over in about a year and they didnt replace it. One year battery life - gimme a break! Had I known that before, I would never have bought a Dell s*it.
2.Worst customer service: Many of my friends warned me about the bad customer service of Dell. I still bought one and faced the consequences. So, never buy a Dell if you consider good customer service as an important criterion.
Machine heating: The machine gets heated up very quickly.
Large gaps between the keys of the keyboard make insects and dirt enter the machine.
The rough mouse pad is not comfortable to use for longer durations.