The name itself a great deal (DELL), the true value for money. Superb digital gadget experience and ease of any kind of work. DELL really stands for (from my opinion) Digitally Equipped & Long Lasting in such a compact version as its name.
I really experienced a great durability and quality of this product and I also adviced my friends for the same. The great add ons of this products works so naturally and nicelly, specially good for internet surfing in Wi-Fi areas and the most important thing of this product is its Graphics which really attract to play high graphic version games. The great performer in competetive world, so be aware others(notebook companies) here the one and only one, the name is DELL.......
I also recommend this product to my friends, two of them already bought. Really it works so smooth and fast anyone can attract towards it, it is a top fashionable model in its class.