This review is strictly about Dell Support and Service.
I had a nice experience with Dell Support Center.Last Month my laptop had some technical issue and for that I contacted to Dell Representive.
As we know that there is no dedicated Dell Center where we can directly contact for any kind of issue or services.For any kind of issue we need to call Dell Custome Care and then they will provide solution either on phone or they will access your Laptop through Web Session or they will send Technical Expert to your place.
Things which I like about ‘Dell Support’:
· Customer Friendly : When you connect with Dell Support Representative after the verification they will first ask you about your issue and according to that they will provide you support and guidence.Even while diagnosis if you need time for other work or any kind extra assistance , they will happily give you.
Ex:Suppose if you are talking to Dell Representive and mean time if you want to attend another call or want to do some work then you can request them for some time and they will not say that ‘we will disconnect the call or we can’t give you time’.
Even if you are not able to explain the issue properly in that case also they will cooperate you. Only thing is in that case it will take long time to solve your issue, so better we should explain the exact issue.
Technical Experts: They are ‘Technically Sounds’ and they provide exact solution if you provide correct information. Excellent Communication and Well Mannered. They will acess your laptop through Web Session to understand the issue properly and according to that they will suggest you the solution.At any cost they will give you proper solution. Best part is they will not force you for anything. In case if it needs to send the ‘Technical Experts’ to your place then they will ask your convenient time and place and according to that they will schedule a meeting with Technical Experts.
Ex: In my case my Laptop’s HDD was corrupted and I contacted to Dell Support. First they tried to provide me solution on phone but that solution didn’t work. So at the end they said they will send their Technical Expert to my place and then that person will resolve the issue. Finally they replaced Hard Disk and problem got resolved.
If you need any kind of information regarding the usage of the laptops and kind of software to use, you can ask very well during the call.
Proper Feedback: Once your issue gets resolved after that ‘Customer Care Executive’ will give you call and they will take feedback from you. They are very much concern about the approach, services and customer satisfaction.
Things which I don’t like about ‘Dell Support’:
· You have to wait for long time to connect with Dell Representive.
· You need to be in front of Laptop to get any kind of Support. I mean to say they will not give you solution without the laptop. Even if you tell them that you will implement the solution later.
Overall I had very nice experience and thanks to Dell Support for solving my issues. I dont know whetehr I will get same kind of suppor tin future or not but right now I can say I am fully satisfied.
All this are my personal views.
I have request to allthe readers to share there experiences so that we all should know the PROS and CONS.