Note: There will be 2 set of reviews, One will be of people who have used in for less than 8-9 months, and one set by people who have used it more than a year. I was happy after 7 months:) but frustated after 14 months:(
I have brought this laptop around 15 months back after a lot of research but this laptop did not come out as per my expectations. I would not advise people to buy this, especially those are looking for a laptop which can last upto 3 years or more.
Most of dell laptops have a common problem of "plugged in, not charging" . After some time, generally immediately after the expiry of ur 1year warranty, you will see this problem. I tried it with a new charger/new battery but still the laptop is not charging.
I talked to the dell customer support and they told if the problem does not get solved by changing battery/adapter then the motherboard needs to be replaced, which costs around 18, 000 Indian rupees. I will advise people to learn from my mistake and not get duped my Dells below average products. Why not spend more any get a robust laptop, which can last upto 3 years.
I have made up my mind, not to go for dell products and I advise the same to those who are looking to buy a laptop. the laptop may look cheap but eventually you have to undergo more pain and spend more money.