Inspiron Series - Be it 3000/3200 or custom built. Its heavy and its not a "lap" top. It gets heated like anything and more feels like a desktop renamed laptop.
A laptop has never been faster than its sister desktop model. Also Desktop is far cheap than a laptop. A desktop gives numerous options in upgrading and adding/modifying new resource. But in a laptop u ll save the dangling wires , gives a net look to the workplace and gives you mobility. Well this we all know.
Now , who needs a laptop??? A person who needs to move a lot due to his job/personal requirements. Such person would never like to carry a stone with them just for saving a very few thousand.
if you dont do above then u basically work on computers at home/office. A desktop gives better performance and can be kept on for longer time, as inspiron gets heated faster.
The whole Idea is - mobility is the most important issue for a laptop and given a little lower configuration even, one should choose lighter ones.