This is a year old laptop today, it was one of the best available then.
I am almost a computer addict and need to carry a lot of data with me. It did wonders to my working.
To date I have no problems with this equipment. I can share a few things that I know now as a year old laptop user.
Bargain with the hardware provider. They need your business just as badly.
Ask for upgrade in Operating System XP Home to Professional
Ask for bigger Hard Drive
Ask for extra Battery
Ask for longer AMC
Ask for extra Adapter and Power cord
Buy directly from Dell. Intermediaries may replace parts to reduce costs.
Use direct power wherever possible.
Buy spare batteries incase more than 2hrs use.
Do not keep your laptop on and logged on and unattended for long periods.
Do not load applications indiscriminately.
Try them on a PC and be conservative.
Spend money on a good carry case.
I recommend the bulky Dell leather case.
Do not stare at the screen for long switch to a PC screen.
Wherever possible attach it to a good regular PC Monitor for long work.
Save your eyes.
80% cost of a laptop is the screen -take good care.
Broken screen bye-bye laptop.
Wherever possible use external key pad and mouse. Saves your fingers.
Call Dell for support. Take advice. Do not break and mend on your own.
Use the usb Data Key to store your private data in an encrypted format.
Buy a laptop for work on the move else be happy with a good PC.
Today there are a lot of laptops in the market. Trust this site and peoples reviews before making any purchases.
Best of luck.