Alright Guys,
I see that most of you saying that IBM/Lenovo compared to Dell is costly. You are not getting the kind of features for the price as you are getting for Dell.
As one of my friends said here that he checked out a Thinkpad and the configuration that he was getting with that was much lesser and kinda obsolete when compared to the Dell Inspiron.
Am not saying that Dell Inspiron is a bad product it is definitely good and I wanted to purchase it myself however I did not like the True bright and 15.4 inch screen aspect. I need to move around a lot with my Notebook.
Jjust for the information sake of everyone youll are comparing 2 different categories, type or breeds of notebooks with each other.
Thinkpad is a Business notebook and Inspiron is a consumer or in other words Thinkpad goes with Business, companies, enterprises etc while Inspiron is the consumer, home and home office oriented notebooks.
Dell Business notebooks are the Latitude series which are way costly than the IBM business notebooks that is Thinkpad series.
The difference between the two is that business notebooks come with less features and more performance. The processor types, the hard drive, the body and the battery performance is much higher compared to that of the Consumer laptop.
A Thinkpad comes with a Titanium body, Shock mounted drive, Higher battery backup, Fingerprint reader (some models) some added software and features that help with fast and instant recovery in case of a system crash due to virus just with a touch of a button.
A Dell business notebook consists of high performance processors (fast), shock mounted drives, Recovery tools, larger battery life, Dell has not yet come out with fingerprint readers.
We use Dell Latitudes in our office.
If you check out the consumer or home office series of Lenovo which are the C, N & V 3000 series you would get an equal configuration for a few thousand bucks cheaper.
Those who are going to go for laptops in the near future here are a couple of websites to help you with deciding. They have reviews on mostly all notebooks. First time have a look at the Notebooks you like in the shop then check out the sites below and see what is the feedback from the users and finally decide. I personally use this and till date never made a wrong decission. ,