Review : SO I came to this company. My First job of my life at 19 in an MNC. Hired as a junior animator. We(me and colleague) came to the company and we found out we didnt have good pcs.
Actually they were on their way from U.S. We had expected a normal workstation which works fast no doubt but looks ordinary.. but guess what we got. 19 inch flat LCD panel Dual monitors (optional) all black with silver outline. Cool mountable speakers. a 3.4 ghz xeon. 1 gb ram, a Quadro 3400 , 250 gb 10000 RPM, DVD Writer and also a Zip Drive. Who needs more.. I work on MAYA 6.
Also Photoshop, Premiere and anything else to do the job done.. Maya runs pretty cool. well the graphic card supports dual monitors ... Digital ouput. well if u work on dual monitors. performance does get affected if u compare wid a single one. But once u work wid duals u wud neva go back to the single one. Maya runs great ... its has 6 USB ports on the Cpu and 4 USB ports in each montor. Plus 2 firewires in CPU. and 1 audio jack in each monitor.
All those who think LCDs arent meant for graphics.... come check this out. these special monitors have full 180 deg. of view angle and also u can rotate the whole monitor so that u get a tablet (portrait) kinda view.. looks like a digital news paper.. Very cool.... U can just ask for an extra 1gb of ram and theres no stop.
I was working on a machine wid 6 lakhs polygons without smooth..... this baby took it without a hitch. Only problem is when the pc comes it doesnt have any partition. So u have to create ur own. Single partition makes the Hard disk slow sometimes. NTFS Formatted. Take care dudes this Pc is really cool! It would be my pleasure to answer any queries. Live life Play Games. (DELL PRECISION 670) search and customize ur own Workstations.
Well all prices are approximate and are converted from dollars .. shipment and taxes not included.