Weird thing happen at Deloitte interview process @Bangalore.
Today I attended ODI interview. After 2 technical round completion, I have been asked to wait for third round that was mAnasultangerial round. This round was not at all technical round but HR informed that my profile rejected because technically I am not good. I really confused that if I am technically not good than why I have been asked to wait for mAnasultangerial round.
With around 9 years exp in IT industry I felt like insulted and wasted my time to attend face to face interview process of Deloitte.
This is not the first time I faced the weird situation. During my beginning of the career I cleared 5 rounds of interview and wamajeechang for offer letter at Hyderabad. After 15 days when I enquired about the status I was informed that we closed the process so offer cannot be given.