Ive had a chance to fly on Delta many times in the last 10 years.
Most recent was about 2 months ago. One word sums them up:
OLD, haggard, insensitive to customers and lousy staff that doesnt care.
You know the problem is in their staff attitude and their old aircrafts.
Combine them and you have a disastrous airline called Delta.
Americans flying to Asia or Middle East on Delta dont have much choice
so they put up with their nonsense.
Food served is worst Ive had(Continental is equally bad).
Flight attendant are union employees whove outlived their utility to the airline.
Aircrafts are old and should be sold in the scrap market of Liberia.
If you wanna verify what Im claiming about their insensitive staff, try negotiating
with them to allow 2 extra pounds with your check-in luggage. They are suckers
for charging excess baggage fees! They love to charge you.
Only good thing about them: cheaper than competetion fares and availability of seats.
And oh yes, theyve got a great call center where the staff really tries to help you get a seat!