My personal experience with the Department of Posts has been a very happy one. I have been completely satisfied with our Post Office at Tyandakura, in Kendrapara District of Orissa. Tyandakura is fed by 26 Branch Post Offices. at Angul, where I presently live, I am serviced by the Hakimpada Sub-Postoffice and the Angul Head Post Office. I must put on record that not a single issue of the expensive magazines I subsribe for has been lost. The postman is an extremely affable person.
One may say that my experience with the P&T Department is subjective, because many of my own family members and relations were and are working in various positions in the Postal Department. My uncle-in-law was the PMG of West Bengal. My uncle was a Postman. Both are no more. Others are working in between the above two imits.
To conclude, I must say that it is the only Department of the Government of India, which works on Trust. No wonder, in the Revenue Stamp during the British Days it was written: HEAVENS LIGHT, OUR GUIDE. Wonderful !