Todays headline story in the papers was the kind that might have angered many like me. Before I write any further I would like readers to know that I am NOT talking in favour of a religion. And that I am just being critical of the attitude of the education ministry. By allowing 50 % PG seats (most professional courses) for Muslims in Aligarh Muslim University, what is our dear HRD minister trying to say? We already have an Opposition that will create a huge ruckus about the issue, which in this case will be a justified one.
I would like to ask the minister, Sir, will you grant 50 % reservations for Hindus in Banaras Hindu University?
If you give out seats in the name of minorities, then a national survey needs to be carried out to establish Who, in reality, is a minority _ Hindus or the other religions?
The ministrys decision was opposed by not only the Left, but also by all academicians and scholars alike. Why then did the minister make such a move? Also, I see it happening even in Jamia Milia Islamia next. Well, Congress might be appeasing its Muslim voters by doing so. But in the process is fanning the flames of communalism among the younger generation. Cant we have any thinking person as the HRD minister rather than a person whos always in the papers caught sleeping at conferences please? And cant our educated President knock some sense into the Ministrys head?
Before another Godhra happens, it is time I guess Oxford changed the meaning of minority in the dictionary.