Hi friends,
i went desicupid.com to try and write my experience here about the site.. I was not sure whether I will be getting any experience so soon worth sharing. bcoz you see on dating sites usually its not so easy as said find a date and start a romance. I was worrying it may take me atleast 6 to 8 weeks to be able to get the taste of it. u know!? .. But for my luck, whenever I tried to log on desicupid.com I was directed to Fropper.com.. I tried second time after a week: same experience. again I tried third time thinking may be now something is happening there...but, No. meanwhile I found a date from one of the non-dating sites and was busy in romancing with her for two months I almost forgot about desicupid !
But, I remembered desicupid once again as my romance had come to an end..thot desicupid must be very happening sort of place by now. unhu... Not very Surprisingly its still offers you the the same good long cut to my favorite Fropper.com ! so thanx to the team.. here is my review completed!!
If you want to take long cut to fropper.com (for any reason...guys!) log on to desicupid.com ! path never fails to lead you.