DesktopDollars was the first pay to surf program that I joined back in March 2000. The program was easy to run, just an adstream bar that displayed banner ads, while I was online.
With the allure of getting paid by hour to use the bar while I was online, I figured I could pay for my ISP this way.
There is no click through, which means that you dont have to click on a banner ad every once in a while to keep your account active. But this also means that DesktopDollars advertisers were getting a low return on their advertising dollars. Which resulted in lower and lower payout rates every month. When I joined last year, they were paying out about $0.07 per hour, now the rates have dropped to about $0.01 per hour.
Hardly worth wasting my valuable screen space especially when there are so many other viable programs available right now.
But here is the icing on the cake, after an initial minimum payment amount of $40, they changed it to $60 and now theyve just upped their minimum payment amount to $100.00 ! Changing their terms of service midway is a bad way to treat their members. Start to calculate how many hours you personally would have to spend online ... 10, 000 hours to reach minimum payment at those rates. And whos to say that they wont up the minimum payout to $200?
Dont waste your time here.