Everyone likes the idea of being paid to be online...right? Hey, even the Princess jumped on the bandwagon. After being burned time and time again youd think wed learn our lesson. Not quite, even to this day, I still tend to give most internet companies a working chance. But one after another, they shut down due to the fact that they just cant pay their members what they promise...Desktop Dollars isnt one of those programs, for the simple fact that they dont promise much, nor pay much.
What is Desktop Dollars?
Desktop Dollars was one of my ventures to make money online. I even made a referral web page, hoping to cash in on the millions of dollars to be made. Desktop Dollars seemed to have a solid looking website, one of the things I look for when joining a money making site. Of course, you cant always judge a book by its cover.
The object of Desktop Dollars is download a paybar, which is supposed to pay you for 6 levels of referrals, and up to 70 percent of revenue that the company earns from the ads you watch on your paybar. The paybar itself is actually pretty cool, considering the fact that it has a radio and a search engine incorporated in it, but just like all others, it takes up valuable desktop space, and ends up doing nothing but annoying you.
Desktop Dollars is pretty vague about how much money they are paying you. On a site like Mouthshut, it doesnt matter to me, because I am doing what I love to do, and even accomplishing something. Surfing for pay is an annoyance, and I would like to be compensated for my troubles.
So, youre workin it? Made any money?
I have collected 4 direct referrals on the first level, and have a few on the 2nd level also. The stats page even shows that the referrals under me have been using the bar to some degree. I even use the stinking bar on occasion. So...I should have made some money, right?
Well, I have. $0.62 USD! Not even one U.S. Dollar! A little over 50 cents! Barely enough to buy a coke with? All for months of effort. Seem shady? Yes, I think so.
What about the other get paid to surf sites?
In all honesty friends, Get Paid To Surf sites are scams. If they arent scams, then they wont be able to pay to their people, and will soon shut their doors. Think of All Advantage...they were paying well, but now they are gone. Desktop Dollars is still operating, but by paying their members less than twenty cents a month, its possible.
The verdict?
Try the sites all you want, you have nothing to loose. Just dont expect too much, you might be let down. At all cost, though, avoid Desktop Dollars, its not worth the effort!