Desperation is a novel which is vintage stephen king.
This novel deals with a supernatural being called tak whose sole aim is to feed on the energy of a human being it possess and then when the energy source is simply discard the body..therby killing the person....
However this time it has gone too far and there are another supernatural forces working against it.A group of people enter the town...(desperation)and fight against tak.There is a small boy called david carver who happens to posses powers of his own and another oldie johnny marinville who are the main heroes.
This is the first part of the story the sequel being the regulators atleast thats what I think.anyway enjoy the novel.Its a class apart and deals with what king writes best.Supernatural and glamourous horror...and often in his books u may have seen that kids are the main heroes..
I wont say more....its a rollercoaster ride from the first page..