Recently I went on a trip with my maternal aunt via train. While journey, she suggested me to carry this Dettol Hand Sanitizer product. Before this I have heard about this product but never used for myself, I thought simple like other hand wash.
But this is really useful specially when your are on journey or in public place like Hospitals, clinics and other places. I have also confirmed from family Doctor also about this product, he him self using this product.
It is really useful for healthy life style and germs free life, when ever on travelling during lunch breaks, or at office, hospitals during lunch or using public toilets in train, bus stand .at all these times we always wash our hands, but this step only not safe for our health,
so just use this Dettol Hand Sanitizer, take little amount of Dettol Hand Sanitizer on hands and rub with both hands so your hands become totally clean and germs free. Than we also feel good, neat and clean hands, and than do work with germs free hands.
Many times we do not get water and soap, specially in train, some times no water or washrooms and wash basin are so unclean, so that time this Dettol hand Sanitizer is very useful.
The packaging of hand sanitizer is small bottle so handy and can easily keep in bag also.After clean, it also leave bit good smell on our hands.We do not need water to use this, just little amount of hand sanitizer. It is totally safe, no side effects to our skin so very useful, good for small kids also as they touch anything.
Now, I too use this product for myself and also suggest every one in my family to use this good product.
This is very much highle recommended product for every person.