Some will say soap is soap and all soaps have the same objective. However, I think there are differences among the various brands of soaps on the market. Some have more pleasant smells than other, some are more economical as regards use and some are much better presented. In the case of Dettol soap, it is the antiseptic qualities that make it distinct.
Dettol has long been a household name in the disinfectant field and this soap is made by Reckitt Benekiser, who are the manufacturers of Dettol. Dettol soap is available in my local supermarket in packs of six and from time to time I have used this soap instead of other brands that I am very familiar with. I find it lathers well and is quite economical although that smell of hospital disinfectant still lingers a bit. Overall I give this brand four stars out of five- it scores well on price and function but the smell may not be to everyones liking.