We had rejected offers for this card about a year ago when the joining fees was Rs. 7, 500 + taxes [12% extra].
But this year when they reduced the fee to Rs. 5 k + tax = 5, 600 we decided to go for it.
Unfortunately the primary benefit of 4 free Jet tickets is ONLY for base fares and useless for the last quarter since the base fares for Jet have been zero!
We were only able to use 3 of the 4 vouchers and they expire 6 months after getting the card.
That worked out to an avg base fare of Rs. 1, 867 each when the fares on the Jet site were around 1.5 - 2 k.
Our MAX total benefit came to hardly Rs. 130 per ticket used or Rs. 390-400 total.
You can also convert each reward point to JP miles unlike SCB Manhattan which is 1.2 points/JP mile.
Wait till the fees reduce to Rs. 4 k before you go for it if you want the 4 free Jet vouchers.
There is no annual fee or add-on card fees but thats true for most other cards these days.
You can also select your cards design to be your horoscope/star sign which is a nice benefit.
The cash back has been reduced since April 1st from Rs. 1/point to Rs. 0.75 = 0.75% but its still better than no cash back.
If you are unable to use the Jet base fare vouchers then your break even on the joining fees increases from Rs. 5.6 Lakhs of total spending to Rs 7.5 L cumulatively [not annual].
The points for a Jet base fare voucher have also been reduced from 1, 000 to 750 which is good when Jet has base fares over Rs. 750.
Unlike SCB, there is no personal message option when entering you password online for verified by visa.
This is very useful as a hint in case you forget your online password for different cards.