I had applied for this band credit card GOLD last month(july), and submitted
all the documents and all the stuff even though I has salaried account
with this bank
And I was assured by executive tht I will get it in 2 weeks max. And after two weeks when I had not recieved it, I enquired it at their cusomer care 66016601
And to the hell of all ...many times i heard from their cust care tht server is down call later. It went 2 days like these only...after which I was informed tht my application was rejected
On asking bank people reason for this, they said we cant tell u.....
Than in anger one day I shouted a lot on one of the bank executive
after which I reply came tht since u r working for just 10 months in
current organisation...so we cant issue u card
Gr88888888888 reason.......even after having salaried account in thier bank for last 10 months with gud transactions alongwith FDs running
and an SMS for my application rejection came after 4 weeks of application....wah gr8 QUICK Service
And a post came after 1 month saying the same ...ur application rejected
A gr8888 service to their own existing customers from last 10 months
And 1 week back I recived a call on my mobile from some other DSA
saying are u intersted with Deutsche Bank Credit card....and when asked him after this 10 months expreince Service thing....they simply hanged up the phone
And the DSAs of this bank circulates ur proof to other bank also leading to calls for credit cards of other banks..so decision is urs