I just feel that I had almost 100-200 bottles of Vodkas, 50 bottles of Rum, 1 kg.of Drugs, equal quantity of Cocakaine, lot of quantity of Ganja, unlimited beer and almost everything that is made for having Nasha! So please bear me if I Puke!
Was astonished to know that TOI have rated this flick with 5 stars and also some of my MS friends have rated it a very very good movie. Reading such great and promising stuff about the movie, I thought this would be a really good movie. But infact I had a very different exp with this one. Honestly this movie didn’t shook any chords in my mind but it did something in my brain - a sore headache.
The plot of the movie is of the very old Dev das flick. where in our hero is in love with one girl, but destiny deprives him of his first love. He turns to self destruction through boozing and addiction and at the end looses his life! Now that was the actual plot or for that matter the well known story of Dev Das. Many movies have been made on this theme and have done reasonably well. But this one was surely different and would might connect to some as a master piece or else a sure headache.
Coming to this flick - our protagonist Dev (Abhay) is a rich man and is in love with his childhood friend - Paro (Mahi). After many years he is back from London and wants to have a serious relationship with his lady love. Then, an unfortunate misunderstanding erupted and DEV turns DEVIL. Paro on the other hand married to a widower despite being in Love with Dev. Loosing the batte of Love our hero is deeply hurt. As an egoist by birth he instead of accepting his mistake went ahead under self destruction mode. He is running from Dehi to Mountains to slums to home to brotherals to clubs to discos to pubs and to all places he could go to and challenge his failure. He drinks like hell, smokes to create clouds in the sky, have drugs till he bleeds. On his tour towards to his own destruction, he meets Chanda - Lenny (Kalki) a CSW (commercial sex worker). This girl is a prostitute by certain circumstances in her life in the past. She serves her clients and the money that she gets, she uses it for her studies! After meeting Dev she started loving him and feeling herself to be on the same lines as is Dev! Both gained a proper balance and a vital chemistry among each other. When everything is about to get alright, Dev gets yet another jolt - Chanda being a professional shall not be honest to him and that she serves him only as a client! OOPS, being mercilesslessly ripped apart by the destiny he droves over people who were sleeping over the footpath. He kills at least dozens and now trapped in the courts and law clutches. Meanwhile, he looses his father and is now also not accepted in his family. But finally, he gets something in despair and now is joined by Chanda to fight his plight in the court of law!
After reading this you might feel that this should be a good movie, but wait, it is not a movie for all! Some may like it and some may not and I am on the later part. Seriously, I didn’t liked it at all - not even for a minute. It was extremely stretching, terribly slow, very vulgar, imbalanced, with a lot of slang and double standard language and a pathetic screenplay! I was not able to connect the first scene with the next one and then to the third one. I never felt Abhay was in any control of the character. Actually, what was he doing? He was just boozing, smoking.snuffing. Instead of pain, he appeared arrogant and vulgar. Looking for SEX and lust, burning money as anything and wasting his life for nothing. The problem was also his appearance. In one scene he is looking very handsome and in the next he is ill faced. No resemblance or connectivity to any sequence. Normally, if anyone is drinking so much, coupled with drugs he might look like an rotten egg. But here Sada Dev appears as fresh as Tomato from the fridge and in the next scene as dry sugarcane. His dialogue delivery was way below any standards and boring! No punch or pain at all. No matter the character was such but the execution was the worst. This could have been handled in a more sober manner even though showing the modern era.
Mr. Anuraag has made a very bold attempt to portray the modern Dev D but in the bargain has shaped this generation as the one who has no other option but to accept defeat and loose your life in pubs. This film shall send a very very negative message to all the youngsters that loosing in love is the end of life and their is no turning back. Some of my friends on MS might differ on this fact and may also say that a film cannot create a sea change in the mindset of the generation. And that its just a film and I need a different mindset to appreciate this work. But I can only say that a smaller proportions of provocations shall lead to such an cascading effects which can be contradictory.
So, after all that nonsense, do we actually have something to see in this movie? Yes, I was stunned by the performance of Mahi Gill. Its her first film and I am 100% sure this wont be her last. She has done a shockingly superb show as Paro and according to me the only reason that I was able to bear the movie for the first half though with increasing headache.
I totally respect the views of my MS friends who have liked this flick and open to comments. But I cannot watch is movie even at the gunpoint! (May be I am exaggerating but the exp was such). And yes even if you want to watch it, then don’t watch it with your family expecting this one to be a family drama. (Since you would feel ashamed due the slang and vulgarity) Also not with your girlfriend, since she might get offended!
Finally, about the ratings that I have given, shall stand for a good plot, a very good performance by Mahi Gill and Kalki, some good sound tracks and spot on cinematography. I just have the problem with its overall execution!
Please rate the review and thrash your comments if you don’t vouch my take on this movie!