The movie is so lazy. I just couldnt get myself to watch the entire movie no matter how hard I tried. Second movie after Luck by chance which I could not see completely .
It could be because I was watching a downloaded version which is no match for the Cinematic version. Or it could be because I would have preferred more good looking(read voluptous ) leading ladies.
It seems the entire movie was being told in short songs. The storyline moved in a slow pace with characters not well etched.
Abhay seemed to speak only in monosyllables. The story just did not hold me. I do not dissprove of the never ending dope sessions, booze sessions or the casual sex sessions, but in the end it should make a point which the movie never did.
Someone said the movie was about Lust, where was the lust in the movie. I was always put off whenever I saw the dull Chanda or the plain Paro. Maybe because I was expecting some voluptous, stunning, pouting actress there .
It seems people have put Anurag Kashyap on a high pedestal unecessarily. He is just another average Director IMO.
Will post the rest of the review after I get myself to watch it.
Rating for now : 2.5/5