Yes, yes I know that Devdas has been released for quite some time now...but I have been very busy as of my new job and have not even had the chance to spend time at home. But I did get the chance to watch Devdas in the first week that it was released...but I had mixed feelings about it and could not really come up with a fixed conclusion of what I thought about this flick. Later I found out that my friend wished to watch it, so I thought that I would join her and give Devdas a second chance...and see if I could come up with a proper decision about Bhansalis Devdas.
Devdas is suppose to be this years MEGA blockbuster and as many of us filmi buffs will know that it is the most expensive movie ever made in Bollywood...even if you did not know this, I bet you would have realised this after watching the promos/movie. Devdas stars the Asoka of Bollywood: ShahRukh Khan, the charmed Madhuri (Dixit) Nene, the weeping Aishwariya Rai and the (always) smartly dressed Jackie Shroff and not forgetting the multi-talented actress (just like her husband) Kiron Kher...along with many other tv serial actors!
Devdas is based on all the other movies such as Devdas (o look what a conscience!) starring Dilip Kumar way back...which was based on the original play also named Devdas. Errrrrr...Im not confusing you am I?
Anyways, Devdas is about a grand saga of love, where a man named DEVDAS (ShahRukh Khan) falls into a death-trap by alcohol abuse which he does to wash away the painful memories of his childhood sweetheart: Paro (Aishwariya Rai). In his sad little journey towards death, Devdas meets his Devdasi:Chandramuki (Madhuri Dixit) and to accompany Devdas through most of the pain is Chunni Lal (Jackie Shroff).
The story is very simple, as we have the typical family and social status clash...which I think we are all very familiar with by now (especially watching all these movies). But something that we havent seen for a while is meaning or the message about how courtasens are also women and have feelings too. I thought this message was put across really well by Madhuri towards the end. Apart from the points mentioned above, there is also the popular triangle-fling we see often as well in our flicks!....ahhhh when will it end?
Overall I thought that Devdas was over-hyped by the media, there were such articles stating that it was the best movie ever to be made in Bollywood and how no one else can ever make such a movie...well I thought that was wrong. Mainly because, to make Devdas all one needed was the story which was already there...(if you are lost...Iam talking about the play) and the other thing was loads of dosh!
Not forgetting the actors, but I could bet that if Bhansali had chosen completely different actors; who had all the qualities of ShahRukh, Madhuri and Aishwariya...the movie would not have done so well neither would it have had such a grand opening. Therefore Bhansali has played his game safely so far!
But was there such a need to spend so much money?...especially on a movie, when there children who probably have no idea of what a cinema is-or money for that matter of fact! The grand sets were not doubt very beautiful, but it all seemed very doll-house atmosphere-everything was perfect!
Even the goregous outfits worn by Madhuri seemed a little over-board for a courtasn! Though the babe did look a million bucks! But generally this got to me and made it all seem fake to me.
The acting was for some reason a disappointment to me, I mean the performance of everyone put together was brilliant; but for ShahRukh Khan-I thought that ShahRukh could have done better compared to other flicks such as Asoka and Kuch Kuch Hota Hai etc.
I thought Madhuri was losing her touch, until the song Dola Re... ended and the following scene proved me wrong as she made up for all her bad points made earlier...and no doubt Madhuri makes a brilliant exit. I thought that Devdas could be listed in her top ten movies-but I would certainly not give it the number one spot. Whereas Aishwariya Rai is concerned, she still does not seem to have picked up on the art of acting but I will say that Devdas is by far the first best flick of hers. I thought she captured the emotional scenes very well this is including the expressions too.
Both Aishwariya and Madhuri have done excellent performances in their songs, and Madhuri was not bad when singing in the song Kaahe Chhed Mohe... As stated I will probably put Devdas at number eight/nine in his top ten movies-mainly because some of his drunken scenes were a bit unnatural- though apparently he actually was drunk during those scenes...but I do not think that it has helped. But I also thought that I saw the real ShahRukh after the song Dola Re Dola...
But overall everyones performances were fulfilled, this is including Kiron Kher and Jackie Shroff; who I thought were brilliant and left nothing bad to pick out!!! Awwww!
The music was not bad, in fact the songs that I did not like, I have strangely started liking them...but not Issssshhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! Only songs like Yeh Diya... etc. But my favourite tracks are Dola Re Dola and the Devdas Theme! I thought that Dola Re Dola... was grand, both of the beauties were superb. Surprising I thought that the movie actually started from the Dola Re... onwards!
So overall Devdas was not a bad flick, I do suggest that if you want to watch it, then you should do so at the I can guruntee that even if you did not like it; you will still be glad that you watched it at the cinemas-as it is really colourful and has good music which sounds good when loud!
Devdas is a movie which I dislike and like :S!!!!!! But I must admit that I thought the ending was fantastic! No not because it ended! But it was not a happy ending it was harsh, and the back flash (there are many back flashes...and all of them are good) of Devdas seeing the Paro junior running towards him and the use of the Devdas Theme. As I have said from Dola Re onwards the movie really kicks in! Though the ending is kind of copied from Raj Kapoors Aah I still thought it was good! So see what you think, as there have been many mixed reviews about Devdas...maybe its just me as Bhansali had mentioned that the people in the West know nothing of Indian Cinema!!!!!! Ok Then!!! See, I have now done a Bhansali...I have made my review really long like hes made the movie a bit too long...o well no one notices it I hope!
So...what did you really think...............? Coz I cannot really make my mind up to give it 3 or 4 stars...therefore to be fair, I give it three and a half!