Hii I am vivek persuing my btech from this college from civil branch in this college there is no acedemic programmes being held.in this college there is not same fee will be taken from all students there are local students will pay very few feeand if any student is out of city or state they pay full fee.There are administration is very bad.i tell a story of my frnd he was in 1st year and he fee is 66000 after compete 1st year college will demanded him to pay 91000 he go to director and say him his problem director send him to ED sir but no one help and after he pay 91000 so there is no fee decided as per rules.And at the admission time he say a lot of things but after admission they will torcher for fee and treat as schools.there will no any sports activity will held.and if any got 1st rank in class or college not any prize will be given by the college.and after complete the btech there is no and good company come for placement. I refer to all new student do not take admission in this college please go to other best colleges.