WARNING: If you get addicted easily, this show is not the one you would like to see.;)
For me, watching Dexter is like a ritual, I would have to perform everyday.
Coming to the story, Dexter is a lab geek working for the Homicide department of Miami Metro - The BLOOD SPATTER ANALYST. He can read blood, analyse its pattern and can narrate the entire crime scene as it would have been. Intelligent isnt the right word for him but he is a genius in his work.
Let him see the blood - the pool, the stains, the drops - and he would tell you the weapon used and what type of person could have done this, also what the situation could have been. Almost solving the case, isnt it?
As its said:-
"Everyone sees the same thing as you; but not everyone observes the same."
And its the observation that has made him what he is.
And then, he, himself, is a serial killer hiding in plain sight. Killing the guilty who escaped justice, the justice! and still he has never been caught. He follows a code, you would learn about after you give a try, seeing the show.
Not a one-man story though! He helped others and got helped. Few people know his secrets.
Why hes like that? You better find it on your own.