Cartoons are expressed in a form of science.The cartoons are teaching the children to learn some thing by watching tv.many many eductional programs have been in television like back yard science, daxters lab, and many many diffrent things.Cartoons are the one which extract the kids to watch television.Kids learn many things from tv.daxter lab is teaching the children to learn science from cartoon.Watching tv is also a good hobiey the intersts which express the kids in form of cartoons are magical power to extract the kids to learn some thing on tv.And tv is very eductinal in many other uses for weather forcasting, daily news.quiz. the kids have more intersts in tv more than any other activites its impress them ....... I understand this because I am a kid I am 11 years old the only thing what a kid needs to be understood what they are learning any where first they have to express them selves into the lessons and study proprely not too much not too less the tv has the expression what the child needs