This movie was so good. This movie Has many characters.Here the hero is Madhu.His original name is Sushant khatri.Here the heroine name
Is Parthvi.Her original name is Jhanvi kapoor.His mother name was Sridevi. This picture is based on Love story.Madhu has 2 friends & Parthvi has 1 friend. Madhus friends are too good and helpfull for madhu and parthvi. Parthvis father is not a good man. He is always think about how to win? For him all work has a competition. Parthvi has 1 brother and one brother was her uncles son. Parthvi is dashing girl in this movie and madhu is simple boy. He is a world for his family. This movies story was amazing.i like this movie very much.plz see this movie and write a review about it. And one is the good news.Good news was that, Dahdak movies second part will be available in the market.