Interesting insight into the Gujju way of doing business. Very simple yet powerful stories. Increases respect for Gujju businessmen and their spouses who play a stellar role in their successes.
This book chronicles the life stories of eminent gujarati business persons. Its truly inspirational to understand, reflect and appreciate the sheer grit, determination and ability to make things happen of this lovely tribe in India. It also highlights how family support is extremely important for their success.
Keypoints represented about Gujjus are:
Taking Risks - burn the bridges behind and keep marching on
Hard-Hardwork - work in two shifts and sleep three hours a day
Identify and Exploit Opportunities - Do right thing at the right time
These are the things we knew from school years. But there are some people who followed these more rigorously than religious beliefs, and went up higher in life. This book tells you stories of such people and inspires you do get the best of yourself.
Its helps you in many areas if you are doing business. What I get from this books is the only things which makes you successful entrepreneur is dedication and positive thinking.