Who am I ?? What is my religion ?
Hindu, Muslim., Christian, Jew ??? The answer lies in the lines " awwal Allah noor upaya.. kudrat ke sab bandey, ek noor se sab jag upja.. kaun bhale kaun mande ! " Yes I am a Hindu but my religion is humanity. I have no right to see some one else down. No religion in-fact teaches us to hate a person of other. This is one movie which should be made mandatory for everyone to watch because its not just a movie but teachings of a lifetime! It covers all the aspects... religion, harmony, child-parent bondings, love and touches the core of your heart.
I cannot pick out any particular sequence from the movie to say that this is the hight point of the movie as on the whole it is a very well crafted movie which left me spellbound. The performances and the direction deserve full marks for honesty and sincerity. With an acting institution like Pankaj Kapoor no one can doubt on the class act he would have done. Kudos to director Bhavna Talwar for attempting this one and coming out with such a product..
Cinematography is brilliant and I have never seen Banaras so beautiful before. The background score is also mesmerising. A special mention for the the child actor.
If you have missed... do watch it !!