Dhinchak Pooja is a singer and a Youtube sensation with more than 1 Lakhs subscribers and 50+ million views .
She think that her voice is really amazing and people are loving it but trust me thats the biggest lie she sung really bad
he dont know how to synchronize her voice with video.
Her popularity is increased from last 6 months because people are trolling her and which gives her more views . Those people make fun of her because after listening to her song people start getting pain in their head to they stopped watching her song and kept on trolling her
She is a average looking girl but people made her Youtube star . She doesnt have any singing talent but still some people loving her . According to me she is really bad singer . I just hate her songs .
She thinks her performance entertaining people but thats not true . Her voice is the major drawback that people hate her she is really bad singer although her video looks great but as soon she start singing people stopped it . According to me she is really bad singer and she would stop her career of singing because people kept on trolling her and nothing else.