I dont know why life is such a topsy turvy experience. Right people at wrong places. Poor cricket team and poor DHL team! This is really bad.
These grossly misunderstood men into cricket aka DHL men in yellow have a lot for our real Men in Blue and probably that is what they were meant for. They are just encouraging us to sacrifice our packets and not actually sacrificing them. Probably they may ask for your permissions.
Please try to note the following points -
1- They are not actually throwing your packets but they are encouraging you to submit your packets for throwing. Their men are good at throwing them. So you need not waste energy.
2- One catch is that they may throw packets at their discretion as not throwing packets is not part of your aggreement with DHL. But it will be done rarely.
3- Actually, throwing packets is symbolic of the historical method of courier execution. In ancient times packets were sent this way only when the stronger men were the throwing courier agents. At that time, communication was not advanced like today and we did not have vehicles.
4- At DHL, if you pick up a fight, you have freedom to pick up any of the packets to throw at your opponent.
5- If At DHL, boss is angry, he may throw a packet at the employee.
6- Similarly at DHL if the employee is angry, he can throw packets at the door of the boss when he is away.
7- Cricket is a national pride and we should not hesitate if our packets are broken in the process.
This ad does have a lot of moral value and we must understand that -
1- I f the DHL men in yellow can throw packets, men in blue can win against the big brother.
After all the the real bat is like a packet only.
2- If the DHL Men in Yellow have such aggressive attitude towards packets, why cant Men in Blue have attitude towards the bat and the ball?
Actually this was to encourage the Indian team. After all what is the loss of a packet compared to our national pride?11
3- Indian customers must actually sacrifice some precious and expensive packets in order to encourage the indian team and its attitude. After all, cricket is our national pride.
Still the Men in Blue do not care for lost packets! Sad!
4- Music must be provided to the cricket players on the playground, lest they lose against the big brother. This is the lesson!
Actually the Men in Blue lost because this commercial was not visible in Australia! They may also have lost because the packets in the commercial were fake. A win needs sacrifice isnt it? DHL is encouraging you to sacrifice your packets actually but it will not sacrifice them without your permission. So do not worry.
However for future.I have some suggestions on how to handle the Men in Blue-
1- Send some expensive belongings of the Men in Blue on DHL.
2- Show the ad to the Men in Blue while the packets are in transit.
3- Stop the packets somewhere on the way.
4- Show the ad repeatedly to the Men in Blue until the game is over.
5- Return the packet after the game is over to the Men in Blue.
This will ensure a proper amount of heat in the Men in Blue so that they can stand the big brother at SCG.
As a precaution do not send your precious packets on DHL. That may not reach.
Pardon me if I am going off the way but dil hai ke maanta nahin dear! Some more suggestions follow-
Real Indian cricketers may be considered for the company packet delivery. This way our packets would be safer as these men in Blue cannot throw things that fast (Sometimes they cannot even move at all).
The yellow uniform is a good idea and it must be considered for real cricket team as the uniform is applicable to both to a commercial ad as well as a cricketer. Dont get it? (They will save the changing time required for that bike commercial and they can play cricket in the saved time. Simple!).
DHL will play music also on the playground for the indian cricket team. To the tune of music they will be able to bat and ball and may play with the big brother.
Back to DHL, we should not take it that seriously as the commercials must have some spice and zing and some national spirit like cricket and what is what DHL has done. What if we had a problem with the big brother, we can at least sacrifice our packets. After all, a packet looks like a bat in many ways.
Is it too much! Sorry. I must be serious now.
Actually I was just joking and DHL are serious guys. You know what? I will explain. Your packet goes unused after it has left your hand until it reaches the destination and it is lying dormant and unused as long as it is with DHL. Using them as bat and ball increases productivity of your packet and it is also used for a good purpose.
A misguided citizen.