The presently run DHL couriers TV advertisement is an horrific attempt by the organization to impress cricket-loving consumers. The advert shows uniformed DHL personnel mishandling and playing with packages which they are suppose to handle with care and deliver safely. Just imagine, the packages which the DHL personnel are shown playing with, contain high cost and fragile goods. That is why you courier it. So, the unsuspecting customer, after paying through his nose, is leaving the precious shipment in the hands of such irresponsible people, who are monkeying with it just to show that they appreciate Cricket? Cricket is a gentlemens game and is definitely not meant for such people who make a mockery of other peoples possession behind their backs. Its a nightmare come true for the consigner and the consignee as well. If this DHL ad has already motivated their staff across the country, if not the world, then please think twice before you ship something with them. And as the top management has approved and paid for this moronic ad, no middle level manager or supervisor should stop the employees to make a Cricket ground of their warehouse, at the cost of the paying customers possessions. Are these guys mentally bankrupt? What image of their organization are they projecting? Can they be trusted to handle your shipment? Definitely not mine!