Orissa State Housing Board advertised for allotment of few core houses at Bhubaneswar. Being at a distant location, such information generally comes late. I was having just a few days to arrange for the amount for applying one house. Finally, I could arrange the whole amout and by the time I prepared the draft and other formalities it was 8 PM in the evening on 1st December(Saturday).
Since 5th December was the last date, I rushed to find a reliable courier company to deliver the document. It was late for that day(saturday) and no logistics company was assuring of any delivery time. I then tried to search all over without any satisfactory solution. The outlets collecting the packets for courier companies denied any service on Sunday. It was an advertisement of DHL about their 24 X 7 services that prompted me to check their website for a solution.
DHL, a subsidiary of Deutsche Post(known for their service commitments) had picked 68 percent stake in Blue Dart and can collect the packets to be delivered at Blue Dart locations in India. When contacted the DHL outlet at Green Park, he confirmed the fact that they will collect Bhubaneswar consignment and they are open 24 X 7. Became happy! almost four days to submit the application.
Now I will mention the fact as diarised by me:
02-12-2007 1845 Hrs - Delivered the Document at DHL Green Park(Ravi), New Delhi
02-12-2007 1915 Hrs - While checking for the details could not find the date on AWB
02-12-2007 2015 Hrs - Tried to check in their website to see status(I was told that it will be collected at 2000 hours). Number not reflecting.
03-12-2007 1115 Hrs - Called the DHL outlet, and I was told that it will leave at 2000 hrs on 3rd only. I told the entire thing to her(Pooja) and she told me that she will get back to me soon.
03-12-2007 2000 Hrs - Received a call from them(Vikram) asking me what to do with the document since it will be delivered only on 5th. I had no choice but to go ahead with an assurance of delivery on 5th.
03-12-2007 2300 Hrs - Tracked their website - Nothing .
03-12-2007 2345 Hrs - Checked at their outlet(Manoj) and was told that the packet was sent on 3rd and shall be delivered on 4th(not 5th).
04-12-2007 1130 Hrs - Checked website and was showing "In Transit"
04-12-2007 1830 Hrs - Checked website and was still showing "In Transit"
05-12-2007 1215 Hrs - Called them to check since it was showing "In Transit". They said for any thing else I should call the call center number only.
05-12-2007 1230 Hrs - Call centre responded saying it will be delivered in 15 minutes.
05-12-2007 1245 Hrs - Web status "Consignee not available". So funny of them. A govt department is not available? and how is it possible?
05-12-2007 1250 Hrs - Took the contact number of BlueDart Bhubaneswar. Tried both the given numbers for 35 minutes consistently. Engage always.
05-12-2007 1345 Hrs - Tried again and could speak to one Blue Dart guy(Pradeep Das) and requested him to do this favour since it is the last day and I was told that thy will accept only upto 1500 hrs. I requested his cell number since I am not getting them. I was lucky to get it.
05-12-2007 1415 Hrs - Called him the 4th time to check the delivery status and he assured me that it will be delivered in any case.
05-12-2007 1515 Hrs - Called him again and he confirmed that it is delivered.
I was completely shocked with this kind of misinformation and irresponsible dealing. You can imagine the time and effort one has to invest to see his consignment is delivered even after paying a premium fee for Blue Dart or DHL(they are about 3 times of speed post). Although I was totally unhappy and disatisfied with their services, I must acknowledge the way they talk to you. All of them, I interacted are good in the way they respond to you.
But I am sorry. I went to them for the delivery of my consignment within a reasonable time .
. definitely not for the interactive session!