Director seems to be carried away with the expectations from the sequel. he tried too hard to excel part 2 to a new height but it went too high that it went above all. well, the story, plot was too comics type. dont see logic in anything. everythig is happening like a comics story.
director has given too much importance to the star cast than the story, script. there are so many illogical, unwanted scenes in the film that it is very difficult to count them.
having said that, hats off to hrithik. he has never looked so smart and cool on screen before.
the title track video is superbly performed by him. the aish-hrithik scenes(except the intro scene) looks good. aish character is too weak. abhishek is eclipsed by hrithiks brilliant performance. nothing to mention about bipasha and rimi.
uday is same as in part 1.
music though not so good but videos are.