I was so diapointed about the ending the only good thing about this movie is his enterance in the movie jumping on the train also him dressed up as an old lady is very unbeilevable. The gadgets are really larger then life you cant beileve it. Watch James bond people if you want real action, that stunts are okay. Abhi is not that much in the film and here is me thinking he was the main guy of the movie..Udays jokes get to lame and cheesey ash looks hot but acts horrible. Bips is simply okay but the songs suck the most.
Very bad slow dragging film which also is too much larger then life in my view, I was hoping an amazing twist but the twist at the end I knew all along. I was chated out my money because I was expecting alot more from this movie.
Locations is good but the story is very bad..Basically dhoom 2 is all style without the story..