Hello all..I saw this movie a couple of days back. Dont know why everyone is going gaga over it. I am not going to explain everything in the movie but just a few things I felt others should know. Make a movie full of style and glamour, kick story and logic out of the door, add in some masala and babes..and voila! it works.
Pros: Hrithik Roshan has given a very good performance, some songs are good whereas others are passable, cinematography is great, locations are great, effects are great, Udays one-liners up to an extent.
Cons: Aha. Now I am going to explain a few "stunt" scenes which are absolutely mindless. The director just got these ideas and thought they would look really cool but he didnt give any thought to how to make logic out of it. Here we go:
Stunt-1: This is Hrithiks first stunt. He jumps from a helicopter and manages to land on top of a train with a parachute on. Fine. Now, he has enough time to change in to the old ladys getup ( she looks like a queen of somewhere) AND he has prior knowledge as to what clothes she would be wearing and how much makeup she would have. How he gets in and out of the train has not been shown. Now in a few seconds, he has the time to get rid of his makeup and masks. Following this is a fight scene on top during which about 50 bullets must have been fired at Hrithik but he is a superman so none hits him. He is now "surfing" on the sand with a cable attached to the train. Now, he has enough power to propel himself faster than the train and get on top of the train from being behind it. Ridiculous!
Stunt-2: This one tops all of them. He has to steal a diamond but Abhishek gets to know of his plans and there is full security in that place including about 10 policemen inside the diamond chamber. The director just shows Hrithik emerging in the toilet after an underwater journey and he starts applying a cream over his body to look like one of the statues in the diamond room. How he manages to walk in to the diamond room and have enough time to pose is not shown. The camera just zooms in and you get shocked by seeing him there. Now, he has his remote control car which is the size of your keyboard. He manages to drive it in between the legs of the policemen ( who appear to be blind) and without any noise it climbs up, extends a robotic arm and grabs the diamond. Just to make it all look cool, Mr.A has a holographic device which replaces the diamond with a holograph. Guess what? The next time you see Hrithik, he is dressed as an old man coming out of the building. Woah! How did he manage to walk out, change and all?
Now he has shoes with acid in them. To escape Uday, he goes down the gutter, changes in to his leather gear in half a second and comes flying out like superman straight out of the gutter with a huge jet of water as well! Why bother coming out man when you can run inside the gutter and out somewhere else. Now starts a chase scene which one can pass.
Stunt-3: Mr. A has to steal a scabbard or an old sword. Now after getting in to the actual room ( which has infrared sensors around the sword but they could not afford a camera in there), he has enough time to sit down and munch a sandwich while Aishwarya makes her appearance. Now they keep talking for 5 minutes and we get to see another ridiculous escape. After this Hrithik and Aishwarya keep meeting without knowing one anothers whereabouts.
Abhisheks entry: If you guys didnt know, Abhishek has become a fish and can breathe under water. To save Uday, Abhishek has been hiding with his water scooter underwater and he emerges from there going straight up. In the next scene, he is shown flying horizontally which means water scooters can change up to 90 degree angles in air.
Besides all these points, there are other scenes as well which are stupid. The ending is not powerful enough. The director has packed in lots of glamour and made it all look stylish. It would definitely go on and make some money at the box office as most masala movies do. But those people who are giving it rave reviews haha I mean come on..how can you ignore all these details? If you compare it with other movies with similar themes for example Mission Impossible or Oceans eleven, the spend the whole movie in getting ready to do the robbery and working hard on how to get through various security devices. But in this movie there is no sense.
I found it to be average thanks to all these mindless stunts. If a bit more thought was there, it could very well be a trend setter but I am sorry that is is not.