A review too late.but some of us manage to catch them when we catch them.
Mr. A - international thief,
suave yet vulnerable, sizzling, smart yet sensitive, sexy, master of
disguise, does daredevil acts like theres no tomorrow, dances like a
dream.(sigh!) has hit the high in Bollywood box office for the
year 2006. This amidst a hackneyed plot, bad editing, unnecessary
characters, obviously stupid mess ups and a musical let down! He
manages to carry the entire movie on his shoulders with panache &
Dhoom! Full points to the stylist Anaita Shroff Adajania and the
director for the vision for these characters looks. Mr. A has
everybody swooning(secretly atleast;) irrespective of age or level
seriousness.even Ms. Gold(Sunehri.yeah Ash who else.) seems
awestruck with him true to her character.quite a welcome change after
the MissWorldishness in the other movies. Mr. A took me to a different
era.a shamelessly gawky wide-eyed teenager(not that I ever did all
that in my teens!), but got a taste long after the teens have
passed.of this hero worship.for a few hrs in the least!
for the other A in the film(or should I say B?.), the so-called
hottie looks so bored and boring.cant blame him though! Between Ash
and Bips, Ash tries too hard and Bips a natural seems quite
wasted.the lesser said about the others, the better! And yeah I am
just talking about the looks/style/presentation.intellectualising the
movie would result in transporting me back to my actual age(NOOOO!)
along with presenting a critical review like the numerous ones floating
(the new Raj/Rahul of Bollywood!) is the only reason you should even
bother to see this.but for him, this would have been a really saaad
waste of precious time. What more can I say but.CRAZY KIYA RE!:D