The music of D:2 is simply superb. I like all the songs except my name is Ali but we can pretend it was never there in the album. I strongly suggest everyone should buy its music. Hrithik is looking fabulous and its personality OOOH... I cant explain it in words he is just WAO. ISNT HE. I hope the film works. and can anyone tell me how D: 2 music is doing in india. I am waiting for ur reply. Please do let me know. my favourite songs is crazy kiya re and dhoom again they just rock simply great. I think hrithik and ash will steel the show. I hope this film works (INSHAALLAH). And if u are hrithik fan u can visit his biggest site its a great site u can find all updates on hrithik here daily. and for his pictures visit great site too. Thanks good bye and take care