Breathtaking stunts, excellent in all technical depts, but zero in script--that, in a nutshell is Dhoom 2 for you. The movie is all style, gloss and glamour with absolutely no soul. In this case, what was required Mr. Aditya Chopra (since youre credited for the story, or whatever there is of it) was a pen and paper, errr, a computer (which you must have definitely used for all those jazzy stunts sequences) to do a more humble job. To just think and type a story.
Dhoom 2 is a routine cop, thief saga that starts with a bang and ends with a kiss. Unfortunately, the bang loses its fizz as the reels unfold and one feels pushed into a live MTV stage show with blaring music, bikini babes and all that jazz. Seriously, this movie is an insult to todays moviegoers who are believed to be dimwits by the filmmakers and taken, literally for a ride. What a waste! Plunged into sometimes smart, mostly nonsensical theft escapades by the leading anti-hero Hrithik Roshan, the audience is forced to be awed by the larger than life canvas of the movie. Awed, we are, but by the uselessness of the entire exercise. The theft sequences look fake and forced, not even an iota of these sequences bring in that adrenaline rush that theyre supposed to...the only redeeming factor in the first half is the alluring Aishwarya Rai who makes a late entry...sigh!
And what is Ms. Bipasha Basu doing in the movie? Hello, shouldnt she be going to brazil along with the cooooky cops when she is involved in the case right from the beginning??? Why dump her to make us suffer through Uday joker Chopras flings with a dumb lookalike? And that makes no sense either...and neither am I. See that is the effect that Dhoom 2 has had on me...
The much talked about kiss sequence is perhaps the most interesting part of the movie (and that says a lot about the film), but the gun exchanging scene leading to the kiss is far more gripping.
And now to Hrithik Roshan. With a mind boggling screen presence, Hrithik makes the most of this baywatch mish-mash. And he scores, ably aided by the magnetic Aishwarya Rai. Their chemistry shimmers and sizzles. But thats about it. Abhishek Bachchan doesnt deserve a mention, but heck, neither does this flick.
Paagal kiya Re!