if theres anything even remotely good about this movie, its hritik roshans dance and performance. but how much justice can an actor do to a role that does not even pretend to have brains? almost every character was potrayed very poorly...initially even the comedy was dumb but uday chopra saved the day with some good jokes toward the end. If ur interested in knowing how bad the end of a movie can get...u have to watch this one. Adding to the stupidity is abhishek bachan and hritik roshan calling each others plans master plans while any kindergarten kid could have thought of better plans. some people think aishwarya rai looks good but ive seen a lot of movies that she looks better in, besides shes not playing such a helpless untalented freak. The planned thefts were silly beyond redemption and the whole movie was a big joke...disapointing to the core