Ok. first up. the film is full of flaws. directing flaws..
if I write abt what was wrong with the film, it would take a while. just the sheer quantity..
instead, the questions ill try to answer are
"Did it live up to the hype?"
"Was it entertaining?"
"Should u watch it?"
well the hype that this movie created made the Don hype look like it didnt even happen! u would think things would just start exploding the day it released! sadly, its another super-hyped Indian flick almost hitting the dirt!
Entertaining? yea. it was entertaining.
thefirst movie was great.. it was like a breath of fresh air among eitherthe drab dull sets or heavily draped shimmering sets, making thingslook very fairy-tale-ish. was a good change from all the mushyromantic flicks that were cropping up here and there. or thediabetically sweet family movies..dhoom was a nice change..
now dhoom 2. ppl expectedsomething radically new here.. but, wasnt supposed to be! tho, theteam has taken the action up several notches.. dhoom 2 goes global..wont go into what really happens in the movie, but the robberiesshown here, each is full of gadgets.. so for the gadget freaks, itsfun to watch..
now coming to the cast
Uday Chopra.. fun for afew minutes. then he starts getting on the nerves, with his reallysad oneliners & every1 knows u cant write about his actingprowess.
Bips.. didnt have much of a role in the movie.. but in whateverscreen time she had, she carried herself nicely.. first as a cop andthen as her twin sister in Rio.. ok.. the truth is, shes wasted (tho, Ali will disagree :P )
Abhishek.. hes not changed his Dhoom character.. hes thesame old Jay Dixit of Dhoom of 2004.. so nothing much to writethere.. hes good
now for the desserts..
Aish. themakeover that shes had for this movie, it works.. shes put in one ofthose rare decent performances.. gone slim and tanned.. shes goodas Sun..he..ri.. The only drawback is the very visible tan-lines aroundher eyes, despite all the heavy make-up.. cant believe the make-up guyand the director missed that!
But what really Dhoom 2 is about is just one character.. A .. Aryan.. known to all of us as Hrithik Roshan.. Was this the performance he was looking for, to revive his career? he sure has given a few good performances over the years, Mission Kashmir, Fiza and Lakshya.. But in D2, the makeover that he\s undergone.. makes him look the best he has so far..hes just Cool personified.. absolutely sizzles the screen whenever hes on it, & makes u wait for him to come back when he is not.. (tho, the 15 disguises? well, only abt 3-4 of them were actually disguises.. & in fact, couldnt count 15 disguises, really!)
The major disappointment was the Music. Apart from Crazy kiya, the songs were nowhere near to what Dhoom gave us.. Crazy is the only song that really sounds great. the worst of the lot was the My name is Ali song! I guess they had that song just coz hes a Chopra.. there was no reason for the song to be there. abt the same holds for the other songs too. was expecting a Pritam special, but was disappointed!
On the other hand, the background score was great! very Salim-Sulaiman, really.. enjoyed that thoroughly! (4 bars in the soundtrack, they really for the background)
also, the cinematography wsa just awesome! the lighting, the way the scenes are shot.. & so was the editing. really made the movie slick & a treat to watch. (could\ve done away with a few slow-mo shots of A, but its ok) the stunts.. well, they just go over the top all the way thru!
so again, is this movie entertaining? yup it sure is. its Hrithik, Cinematography and Background Score that really makes the movie fun to watch.
ah! & I just read it in the papers today that someone was sueing D2, coz of the kiss scene between Aish & Hrithik.. apparently they think it promotes vulgarity! honestly, they havent watched Kaante or Musafir.. the scene is so artfully shot, the whole sequence, actually, cant even come anywhere near the vicinity of calling it vulgar!
should u watch the movie?yea.. watch it.. just for Hrithik.. a real treat for Hrithik fans and he might just make a few new ones too, with this performance.. and see it for the cameramanship/cinematography.. I toh enjoyed the movie just for that!
all said and done, a slide in Metro Adlabs said they\ve got Shah Rukh and Kareena for Dhoom 3 !!!
man! how I am NOT waiting for it!!