what was that all fuss and hype on krrissh being the indian superman about ? move ahead folks, aryan is our next and possibly the true superhero !
one does not need to wear a bad costume and bash up all the baddies on planet earth to be a superhero. he should be heavenly intelligent and strong enough to defend himself. so what if he uses it all to engineer some practically imposiible robberies ?
and what more can you ask for, this guy has even honesty and purity of heart and goes to the extent of leaving his apssion, the crime for his love. hrithik remains in the character and takes the image of a slick and suave thief to a new altitude. actually, he is a thief with some heroic qualities. but I know he will be interpreted as a negative character in our award ceremonies. so my dear saifu, you have got yourself a stiff competitor now !
style is the key to success. the film has it in plenty but lacks substance for most of it. one has even stopped looking for a taut script or even an engaging screenplay.
DHOOM primarily found its way through because of the indian boyz craze for bikes and some foot tapping numbers. but this one has much more to it with some great locales, massive star cast, retribution in the end, and see see, an additioanl emotional resonance ! ASH betrays ABHISHEK only because she does not wanna betray HRITHIK [ I mean on screen, if you havent got it yet ]. but in the end, they all have a happy ending, which somewhere reminds me of BUNTY AUR BABLI, vaguely similar to DHOOM, and incidentally too a YASH RAJ PRODUCT.
the diamond robbery sequence misses sense somewhat. indian policemen cant be that careless, right ? or well, they were depicting the reality, may be. [ MUMBAI POLICE COMMISIONER, CAN YOU HEAR ME ? ]
ok, if an intellectaul cop likes to strike a converstaion with an obvoius thief boozing with him all along, why shake a leg with as if he is competing in any inter collegeaute competition ?
and the reasoning behind why was bipasha basu invited to join the party is out of my reach. she sports the skimpiest of outfits [ my god, even when she is laying on a hospital bed with a broken leg ! ] and adds to the glamour qoutient of the film.
abhishek bachchan tries hard to stand at par with hrithiks persona with some idealistic lines although he looks horrible with that 10 day old stubble. he even manages to outdo hrithik in the climax.
ash maneges not to look cheap despite of those titsy bitsy outfits. she displays her attitude and her cleavage with equal elegance. uday chopra is at his comic best. his silly pouts, funny background music and some rib tickling exchanges are in sync to creat humour in abundance.
the songs are zazzy but have nothing to relate with the script and are let down by their picturisation, except for "krazy kiya re" and the title track. the film would have been same with or without them.
dhoom had won awards for its editor and sound design and dhoom 2 will perhaps repeat the history. infact, the film has a great pace owing to a slick editing style which works a s a redeeming element inspite of a lack lustre script.
aditya chopra is an intelligent producer. he is the ral guy with the midas touch. he can spot the talent in kunal kohli, pritam and sanjay gadhvi, he can set john abrahams and abhishek bachchans carrer right on track, he can even convince ash and hrithik to attempt a film of the james vond territory. hope he weaves the same kind a magic when SRK performs as the next heroic villain in DHOOM 3 [ or is that just another rumour ? ]