The sequel exceeds the original one.Hrithik is too
good in the movie, from the first scene to the last
scene, its only hrithik!!!!!!!!
Aish is also good in the movie and in the climax scene
she has acted well.There is no importance of Abhishek
as anyone could have played his role.Uday chopra is as
usual tapori in the movie and he creates humour in the
movie through some of his stupid acts.Bipashas role
is good in first half and after interval she is only a
show-piece in the movie.The stunts performed by
hrithik are mind-blowing, he is in 8 different get-ups
in the movie.The movie is fast in first half and slow
at climax where the focus is on Aish and hrithiks love
story.Hrithik has also shown his acting calibure, all
and all a good entertainer bole to fultoo paisa-wasool
This time no one can stop Hrithik from getting the
award of Best Villain(He is actually the real hero in
the movie)