Dhoom 3 is not a 5 stars movie but it is not also 3 star movie either. I am going to give this movie a 4 star movie only on Aamir Khans Performance. This movie could work without UDAY, Abhishek and Kareena but without Aamir this movie would be a life less movie. Aamir is again showed us why he can be a great actor in any type of role. Yes there are action sequence which doesnt make any sense but as an entertainment you could watch those. Story was bit here and there but over all do make some sense. There would be a moment that you as an viewer wont like this movie but there will be a moment that will make you feel that some scenes should be retaken or shouldnt be there.What I liked about the movie:
Aamir Aamir Aamir and his performance in the movieWhat I didnt like about the movie:
Abhishek, Uday and Kareena didnt do justice to the movie or one could say role wasnt meant for them.