DIARY OF A WIMPY KID:LONG HOUL by the best selling author Jeff Kinney from New York had written this funny & intersting book of a charactor named Greg Heffely.
Greg is a boy who has big brother called Rodrick and a younger brother called Manny who is in the sucky toy.
Here his family is planning to have a road trip through on his vaccations.They wish to have a nice, comfortable trip but the way dosent goes much.Acually our Greg isnt comfortable on his tripbecause you can even see his mood from the cars window which is there at the books coverpage.The luggage dosent gives him to seated.He only deserves t.v, video games, Holly Hills ect.And also the trip isnt going on his desisions.
The car takes severalwrong turns there .Somehow Manny get a new dummy when the old one is lost last night.The motels they tooks were too bad to survive the other families arent good, especially their kids.they make s noise when Greg sleeps in the towels near the closet.When he could not suffer from the naughty kids, he goes to their room to meet them but when the kids was about to cry by Gregs sharpened words, one of them called his dad.The man was wearing an underware with fully beard and a scary look on his face .Greg rans to his room and when they came back to search him they accidently knocks others
they leaves from the motel next day and on the road way Greg getd the front seat but accidently he saws that there was the car in front holds those naughty kids and beard man.So they overtooks them and reaches in a fair thre Rodrick saw afoulest footwear contest and his shoe won the price of a coupon of having a deep fried butter on a stick.Manny wons a contest too.He gets a live baby pig but they do not want it but somehow Manny loves the pig.Greg too hated the pig with his family because it disturbs him on the way .So they gives the baby pig to a pet care centre and move on. At last they goes to water park called Soak Centre but somehow Greg lost the key of their locker and the family gets mad about it and they give ups.Finally when they reached their home Greg founds the key from his trousers pocket.He decides to do three ways about it:first, to tell the truth to his parents.Second, to leave the key in Rodricks laundary.Last, flush the key so no one can know the truth.But he leaves the reader to guess the disison and he say that he picked the wrong one.
I suggest this book to read when you are boared or having no mood for something, So you can get a lot of laugh from his diary. About This Book;
AUTHOR: Jeff Kinney
PUBLISHER: Puffin books(U.K)